Friday 5 August 2011


sleep well to be honest i have not been to sleep yet as it in like a toast box in my gaff.

 i was going to go to a party tonight but i'm too knackered! and totally forgot i have ASDA dropping off the shopping.
a friend has advized me to write all the symptoms that apply to me down and write i little piece underneath the symptom so as it will take a month to get seen if i write a page or so a few symptoms a day i'm not doing things on the hop and it gives me time to think things through.

1- Easily distracted, forgetful, daydreaming.

I am easily distracted by things and lose my train of thought. But not so much that say I'm having a conversation something may pop in my head and I may go with that sometimes I can remember what I was talking about previously.

I'm always forgetting things not so much losing things but I have lost phones ect in the passed.

Say I'm going the doctors the most important thing will slip out of my head when I see him.
Or if I do shopping in person I always forget something I went in for and come out with more crap that I did not originally want.
I shop online as it is easier with the favourite items tool and cuts down on impulse buying of produce that half the time rots away in my fridge

And in generally daydream in the day but not always. I describe myself as living in zones.
In the day I'm like a old slow computer booting up. Back when I was at school the whole day was a day dream. I would do anything to get out of doing work snap the nib of my pencil ect just for a trip to the bin.

A few of my mothers cliques is say when are you going to “ “ I asked you to blah blah 10 times now already
in a minute!
Ya always say that but it never fooking happens! (my mams from up north) ”
cue self pity “ I'll do it me fooking self then”
me: well go fucking on then ( stressed and annoyed as the guilt trip never worked in the 1000's of other times she tried it on me you would think she would just give up)

2.procrastination, inability to complete things.

This is a major issue with me I spend most of the time away with my thoughts. As for inability to do things my house is a mess. My garden is a jungle there is DIY jobs that need doing all over the place there s loads of things I want to get done and need to get done.
I make a joke of my back garden being a mess that I live on blackberry's and nettle soup but I make a joke of everything.
But I got neighbours either side of me and they must hate me.

One of my mothers favourite cliques is “everything ya have out ya don't put back”
my mother does more work in my house in a few hours than I do in week but she puts things away I don't know where's they are then that causes me major stress

one day you're going ta shift something after yaself and I'll die of fooking heart attack”

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