Wednesday 3 August 2011

Dr S from the start!

this is a true likeness of a Dr S again i can't say his real name for legal reasons :D he did look and act like a pakistani version of kermit the frog!
to be brutally honest when i saw Dr S i thought there was a possiblity i could have bipolar with the mood swings ect! and at first he told me that he would put me on lithium a perfectly harmless drug a natural salt. i'm very astute to what go's into my body and it appeared Dr S was talking bull shit! i found out lithium one of it's major side effects was Epilepsy! i had a history of epilepsy and as a child i went into status epilepticus so i had an appointment with my neurologist and told her i was not overly happy with going on lithium. so she wrote to Dr S and told him i will not be medicated on anything that is likly to make my epilepsy worse! so i had an appointment with this guy and he wanted to put me into the local mental health hospital for one week just for observation. this ended up as two weeks every time i tried to leave the hospital i was refused and i was not sectioned under the mental health act; so this boils down to false imprisonment, kidnap, holding me against my will!
at the hospital i met the biggest bunch of nut jobs i have ever met in my life and why the NHS employed them is beyond  me! i seen things maybe i should'nt have was dr s's summing up at my care plan meeting!
whilst at the hospital i was up at 3am and wanted a cigerette on the way to the smoking room i was apprehended my a nurse s (for leagal reasons) she asked where i was going i said for a fag! she said no you not, you're on speed i laughed at her! i wanted a cigerette i was denied does this not breach my human rights! bare i'm mind this was the week of my kidnapping! i was made to wee in a sample bottle. i did but then got accused of running it under the tap my wee was clear but it was urine i was on a drug called deprakote at the time and thats why my wee was clear!
and after an arguement with nurse S she told me the lab would tell if it's urine or not? so where is my appology?
on my last day at the hospital i was denied food, medication, or even water, again human rights issues, then i had a taliban style interrorgation off doctor s i'm talking in a room with a partition for 7+ hours! after he asked me numours times if i had delusion of grandure. i kept telling him no he said i'm going to play devils advocate if you say you are having delusions of grandure i will get you probation! or what this is otherwise known as pervert the course of justice! a criminal offence!

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