Sunday 31 July 2011


sleep 2200-0400
i need to get my perscription today and as i'm down there see if i can see my G.P i have requested a copy of mennons report but who knows how much that will change now nice has been mentioned theres somthing in that report that has my G.P worried!
i'm trying to get some videos up loaded too they say theres nothing physical to prove ADHD just because only two of my children have been diagnosed don't mean to say my other two children ain't got it and it's all in the eyes and the medical profession look upon you as some sort of dick when this is mentioned. but you can judge for yourseves :D
i cant believe they have told me to get the public service ombusman in thats the last thing really they want me to do but saying that the probation board was taking the piss and would not help me out they can FOB me off all they like but they won't Fob off the PSO and i will get the information i need of the probation service through him.
but that would raise more questions to get answered like was information passed on about my treatment at a certain hospital passed on to the police to investigate?
and sheds light on breaches the DDA (disability discriminations act)

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